Price list copycounter_net

Copycounter_net is available in different price packages to meet the different requirements of our customers. Our product offers a wide range of variants, including Basic, 10, 20 and 30, all of which offer the same comprehensive feature set. The key difference between these variants lies in the number of devices supported, allowing our customers to choose the solution best suited to their individual requirements.

Shipping costs including insurance

Country Price
Germany 6,90 €
Austria 12,90 €
Switzerland 24,90 €
Belgium 12,90 €
Italy 12,90 €
Netherlands 12,90 €
United Kingdom 29,90 €
Lithuania, Latvia 29,90 €
USA, Canada 29,90 €
Israel 29,90 €
Papua New Guinea 49,99 €

In addition to the purchase price, different shipping costs or taxes may apply depending on the country. All prices are exclusive of VAT. There are no additional licence fees.